Animated film set during Spanish conquistador Cortez’s quest for the legendary golden city of El Dorado. Two stable hands (Kenneth Branagh and Kevin Kline) stow away on a ship bound for the new world, and stumble upon the legendary City of Gold. Armand Assante, Edward James Olmos and Rosie Perez also provide voices, and Elton John and Tim Rice provide the music. Directed by Bibo Bergeron and Will Finn.
Capsule Review: An entertaining cartoon…but not very memorable. The adventure is a feel-good adaptation of The Man Who Would Be King, with the typical animated shenanigans mixed in. None of the characters here feel like a strong lead, however…they’re all character actors in search of a leading man. The film’s a little scary for the youngest tykes, but older youngsters (and many adults) will find the film a mild diversion.