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Daily Archives: November 20, 1998
A Bug’s Life

The season’s second computer-animated ant tale (following Antz) has finally hit the theaters. It lacks some of the earlier film’s sophisticated humor, but more than makes up for it with its rich animation and endearing characters. The ant colony on … Continue reading
The Rugrats Movie
The Rugrats have made their way from Nickelodeon to the big screen, and the result is, well, alarmingly similar to the television cartoon. For those unfamiliar with the animated series, it is centered on the point of view of several … Continue reading
Enemy of the State

You’re not paranoid if they’re really after you. That’s the message of Enemy of the State, the latest techno-thriller from director Tony Scott who takes an exciting, if exaggerated, look at the lack of privacy in our increasingly technological society. … Continue reading
Posted in 1998, Movie Reviews
Tagged Gene Hackman, Jason Lee, Jon Voight, Politics, Thriller, Will Smith
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