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Daily Archives: January 23, 1998
Swept From the Sea

Beeban Kidron directs this romantic epic based on Joseph Conrad’s short story, Amy Foster. But while the film captures the scenery and scope necessary for an epic romance, it falls short with a stale plot and a flat romance. Vincent … Continue reading
Posted in 1998, Movie Reviews
Tagged Ian McKellen, Rachel Weisz, Romance, Vincent Perez
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The Gingerbread Man

Doing a John Grisham film seems to be the trendy way these days for an artistic director to make a commercial film. First Francis Ford Coppola tackled The Rainmaker, which is still the finest adaptation of any of Grisham’s works. … Continue reading
Posted in 1998, Movie Reviews
Tagged Embeth Davidtz, Famke Janssen, John Grisham, Kenneth Branagh, Robert Altman, Robert Duvall, Tom Berenger
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Spice World
Talk about a movie that seemed dated before it even hit the theaters! Spiceworld is the feature film debut of the pre-fabricated pop band, The Spice Girls. It’s intended as a sort of Hard Day’s Night, but ends up simply … Continue reading
Why is it that Hollywood has such a hard time adapting the works of best-selling horror authors to the screen? Witness the countless failed atempts at adapting Stephen King’s horror novels. Not a one (excepting maybe Misery and The Shining) … Continue reading
Posted in 1998, Movie Reviews
Tagged Ben Affleck, Horror, Janna Going, Peter O'Toole, Rose McGowan
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