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Daily Archives: May 23, 1997

Child actors are problematic. They usually come in two flavors: those who don’t really know what they’re doing, and therefore act natural. They’re convincing, but not always appropriate. The other flavor of child actor is the overactor: hyperaware that they’re … Continue reading
Brassed Off

Brassed off is a drama about how politics can affect a small town that works well on an interpersonal scale. However, when it goes for the grand political statement, the notes seem a bit flat. The small town of Grimley … Continue reading
The Lost World: Jurassic Park

After an absence of nearly four years, Steven Spielberg has returned to the director’s chair, and has chosen to tackle a large, but simple, project. Large in the sense that his original Jurassic Park is still the top grossing film … Continue reading
Posted in 1997, Movie Reviews
Tagged Action, Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore, Steven Spielberg, Vince Vaughn
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Addicted to Love
Romantic comedies are an odd lot. You walk in knowing full well how the film is going to end, so there’s never any real suspense (though the films always pretend there is). For example, in Addicted to Love, Sam (Matthew … Continue reading
Posted in 1997, Movie Reviews
Tagged Matthew Broderick, Meg Ryan, Romantic Comedy
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